Rotating discs for rail vehicles

Rail vehicles, such as locomotives, traction units or wagons, are moved safely and economically with a turntable in front of round workshops or circular parking bays.
Customised design

The individual and customer-specific requirements for in-plant logistics are taken into account during the design phase. Turntables for locomotives generally have load capacities of approx. 120 to 150 tonnes. For wagons or passenger coaches, the load capacity is approx. 80 tonnes. The effective lengths are usually between 18 and 30 metres.

Get in touch with usOur specialist department will be happy to help you 

Whether you need personalised advice or have a special request - we are at your side. Please use our contact form to send us your enquiry. Our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible to provide you with the best possible support.

Andree Gehring

Railway technology sales