There are two main types of rope shunting systems: open and reversible rope shunting systems. For shunting of single wagons at loading yards stationary shunting devices with open pull rope can be used.
Shunting systems with reversible rope are used for moving single wagons or group of wagons and trains.
The reversible shunting system operates in both directions. While at a open shunting systems the operator has to fix the rope manually at the wagon, the reversible shunting system automatically couples at the wagons or trains.
For small budgets, occasional transport tasks and small transport loads, the WINHOFF SZA-RS manoeuvring capstan can be the perfect choice. Winches with a winding device are also included in the programme.

For more precise positioning and medium transport loads, reversible rope shunting with sling chain or traction carriages can be used. In the lengths of the shunting rope several chains can be integrated so that the operator has the option to use it at different places over the lengths of the shunting system.
The traction carriage is suitable for use in curves. The guiding track can be installed above or in the ground. The connection to the wagons is carried out by a draw bar.

For medium transport loads and automatic operation without personnel on the track, we recommend our shunting systems with wheelset carriages. The wheelset carriage can automatically couple with the wheelset and then move the wagon group or train. The unit can be decoupled again at the desired position.
Pairs of extending and retracting rollers enclose the rim of the wheels of the wagon / train for coupling. The wheelset carriages can drive on an own track installed inside the main track or inside the rails of the main track, d pending on usage.

Shunting systems with buffer trucks are used to move trains without limited pulling force. The coupling to the train or to the group of wagons is performed via the standard coupling.
The coupling can be done automatically with an automatic - coupler. For these shunting systems, a device is available for moving the carriages sideways, so that it can also be used in transit-tracks

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